Welcome to ACM Hack School!

Welcome to Hack School!

What is ACM's Hack School?

Hack School is a quarter-long, full-stack web development bootcamp. It's designed to help beginners and experienced developers alike build a web application in just 6 workshops!

What do you learn?

Our Hack School project is built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js), which is a modern set of technologies for web development. We chose the MERN stack for its wide adoption in the development community, ease of use, and single-language knowledge (you only need to learn JavaScript)! Over the course of 6 workshops, we'll touch on concepts such as building user interfaces, server-side programming, and deploying your web application. There is absolutely no prerequisite for this course -- we've designed it so that you learn as you go through it!